Jonas Delhaye

Jonas Delhaye

Born in 1988 (FR).  
Lives and works in roaming.
Artist's portolio
The work of Jonas Delhaye defines itself in an hybrid form whereby the image is considered at the crossroad between sculpture and performance. The approach involves “ the immersion of the body in space, the experience of time, the development of a presence in the world and the specific terms of appearance of the image or language” (Lea Bismuth, critics and curator). It is a way of questioning photography, its capture and presentation, combining mediums that are most often the result of a gesture: gesture of the sculptor who creates contextual cameras, gesture of the performer that leads to different traces (photographs or videos).

In 2014, Jonas Delhaye is finalist of Palais de Tokyo Friends’ Prize. In 2015 he exhibited at Nuit Blanche en Mayenne. In 2018 he transformed the College des Bernardins into a huge camera. Jonas Delhaye is the winner of the Yishu 8 Prize, 2019, thanks to which he performs a residency in Beijing in 2020. In 2021, Jonas Delhaye was in residency at the CIAP (Center international d'art et du paysage) on the Ile de Vassivière.
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